Solar sun buddies PALS energy crisis staff team building activities for events and expos bringing solar lights to disadvantaged Australian communities

Solar Sun Energy PALS Powerful Staff Team Events Make a Difference Illuminating Energy Crisis

Invest staff training activities into 1-2 Hours of PALS Powerful Awesome Light Solar systems, supporting Australian Kids in remote Communities affected by cost of living and energy poverty crisis.

Illuminating Australian and World-Wide Energy Crisis and Energy Poverty issues for all sustainable Meetings, Conferences, Expos and delegate attended Events.

We aim to encourage and enlighten groups of 10-1,000 Australian staff and delegates to tackle solutions for climate change, energy crisis and shed more light on our Energy Poverty issues.

SOLAR PALS is a Hosted multi-media presentation, punctuated by inter-active teamwork activities run by professional facilitators for staff conferences.

Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Let’s get more people harnessing Solar Sun PALS, Personal Awesome Light Systems with Flexible strong robust and waterproof solar panels.

Superior Australian quality solar energy source and charging devices that help others from the  boardroom to the end recipient programs.

Ideal for Sustainability and Climate conference activities 1,000 units required. 

Engage Staff and delegates on an Hour Of Natural Solar Power helping support disadvantaged Australian kids and families – Professionally delivered and facilitated by Thrill Team Events.

Feel Good – Do Good – Fighting Energy Poverty with Solar PALS at your conference, meeting or staff training in 2024.
The Earth Needs More #PowerPollinators


Select 1-2 hour Solar Sun PALS Powerful Awesome Light System to speak, present and facilitate engaging staff activities at your conference, meeting or team event.

Brilliant personal energy and light illumination. A quality energy awareness program with multi-functional solar and recharging devices units. 

Educating conference delegates, staff and expo attendees on the issues of both local Australian and worldwide global energy poverty and fossil fuel climate issues.

Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Illuminating energy crisis issues, tackling poverty by teams assembling Solar Sun systems that work day and night to help others in Australia.

What makes Thrill Solar Sun PALS projects a robust staff engagement program EXCELLENT:

  • High Quality robust sealed solar charged energy light units that are splash water proof
  • Strong sealed solar light units that last 2-5 years (not poorly manufactured solar buddy lights)
  • THRILL Solar powered PALS will Light up a whole room!
  • Internal rechargable Battery systems that packs a mighty Energy punch!
  • 4-6hrs of excellent quality light;
  • Lights for reading, education, playing, family time and charging a series of devices. 
  • Ability to Charge 2-3 battery, mobile, tablet units simultaneously through both firewire and USB outputs. 
  • Fold up reliable photo-voltaic transportable watts generating solar panels
  • Provided with extension multiple leads and multiple connectivity, communication plugs to charge any small electronic device
  • Multi Functional – charges connecting via firewire and usb devices; Powering
    Fans, Pumps, Batteries, Computers, Ipads, Tablets other lights…
  • Helps Australians fight energy poverty in Indigenous, aboriginal communities. 
  • Provides greater awareness of access to energy resources,
  • Allows children to continue their education after dark
  • Addresses climate issues across Australia 
  • Terrific citizen Science projects where solar panel systems with 4.5 volt to 12 volt and photovoltaic systems are explored. 
  • Powerful, Impactful relevant interactive energy issues presentation.  
  • Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Solar sun buddy's PALS illuminate light on energy poverty for events and teamwork activities

Connecting participants to disadvantaged and remote communities via a hands-on solar light team building activity or  conference and expo event that unites staff.

Accompanied by powerful personalised letter writing activities. That connect individual solar powered buddies and Solar PALS light recipients in remote locations across Australia.

This is a wonderful light energy filled activity for +ve staff engagement at meetings, conferences, expos, your next office or Christmas corporate event!

learn more details for events and team building activities

Staff, delegates, conferences, meetings and employees learn more about the effects of local and global energy poverty.

How it impacts and disadvantages people in Australia and around the world in terms of education, health, environment, social connection, safety and their financial situation.

Delegates, staff and participants learn and discover more about how innovative solar system PALS design, harnesses natural energy solutions. Where uniting staff positively we can combat energy poverty.

solar-PALS-Buddy's-Energy-Light conference meetings and expos team work to engage with charity team building natural lighting led systems

“Providing reliable electricity is one step toward helping a community lift itself from poverty.”  ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION

Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Together with Thrill SOLAR PALS we aim to illuminate more meetings, conferences and events improving world wide social impacts.

Offering new empowering CSR Giving Back Charity team building activities that provides innovative light systems. To those living in poverty.

What makes Solar PALS a higher quality corporate investment outcome for technology integration.

Thrill Solar PALS programs are

  • reliable, durable and dependable in all Australian conditions
  • units that operate from cold  -10 degrees to arid and hot +45 degrees
  • versatile connectivity and multiple charging device
  • produce electricity for multi-functional device use
  • plug in and recharge phones, educational devices
  • games, gamification and hand held entertainment units
  • safety features with monitors, sensors and alarms
  • back up charge for re-chargable and lithium ion e batteries
  • 100% portable flexible waterproof solar panel to take anywhere in a backpack from school to home
  • waterproof light source to withstand harsh Australian climate and conditions 

Thrill Solar Sun PALS ‘n Buddies 1-2 Hours of real Solar Power Enlighting Groups with Engaging Staff Connection events at your venue
We professionally engage staff, educating employees with Powerful thought provoking content. That inspires attendees to make a difference whilst staff connecting interactively. Which we call the Lightbulb moment. 
Together we create more power to illuminate meetings, conferences, incentives and expos with a professional Solar Sun PALS Buddy host Facilitators.
Discover how Thrill facilitates and hosts powerful Solar Hours of Amazing Natural Power Programs
– help uplift natural energy sources with amazing interactive events for events, corporates, meetings and business groups.
Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Quoted from Little Sun
“Without energy, children cannot study after dark, compromising their education. Without education, they have fewer future prospects. Solar energy can help children get a better education. Teaching adults, families, businesses kids about solar and sustainability will translate into an acceleration of green policies, sustainability research, and innovative tech solutions in the future – as well as having fun with light along the way!”

Beyond the Hype
Our promise: Thrill events provides the transition from talking about your staff training investment into solar energy power. Creating a robust low cost solar system reality that works day and night for Australian families.
Your corporate staff training, employee activity investment will help other young Australian’s in need.
Konrad Lippmann CEO Thrill – Australia
excerpt from
One in four Australian households are finding it a challenge to pay their energy and electricity bills.

“As summer looms, energy price rises will make it even harder. Uninsulated homes and disconnection resulting from energy poverty, threaten people’s health and wellbeing.”
2 May 2023

One in four Australian families and households struggle to pay energy power bills

Let’s action these issues with the Help of your business staff


Thrill take action enquiry for team building

RMIT University › may › hidden-energy-poverty

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Thrill Teamwork and Team Building Outcomes on Solar Energy PALS

How many Solar PAL groups will there be?
Answer: For Thrill solar power PALS kits – each unit / solar sun PALS Kit is a unique fully intact team building project.
We suggest 1-4 people per unit PALS Solar Energy kits.
Larger Solar Lighting Kit systems are available to engage large and Corporate Project teams.
Thrill team events multi media presentations caters from 3 teams of

10 up to 2,ooo staff with large scale Solar Power Array events across Australia and NZ.

Minimum to Maximum groups sizes on Solar PALS events:
Minimum numbers from 10 up to 2,000 staff building a solar panel farm to harvest our collective natural energy abilities. 

Room Set up For Worthy Causes where Solar Systems become a Teamwork PAL Project site:
Any room, office or conference and meetings or expo space is suitable. Thrill adapts Solar events to the environment. From a dark room, in offices, beyond boardrooms to corporate buildings and expo halls.
Thrill facilitates educational student science projects in schools and light filled auditoriums or outdoors and open parks.
Everywhere together can make a +ve community difference. 

Team Building Collaboration Tables Solar Events Set Up
Any table is fine to utilise for Solar team initiatives. Standing at tables or sitting at tables Light team building solar activities can be readily accomplished.

Do we require chairs for business teams building Powerful Solar Systems and Networking together?

  • We can facilitate a sit to discuss and complete the Solar PALS illumination.
  • Creating Energy charity help activities
    –  Any size tables sizes can be sit down or tall, cocktail style or suitable for standing are great.
  • Do we require power? Yes, this is ideal for energy poverty issues AV presentation.
  • We can provide solar power for free…. via Photovolaic Cells and Solar Panels with an inverter. 
  • Do we require AV? Not necessarily. 
  • Will there be a slide presentation with instructions etc?
  • Yes Thrill has a Multimedia presentation that can be utilised. If there is no power that’s fine too.
  • Thrill team events Solar Sun PAL focus is on creating natural sourced solar energy power where we bring the lights!
  • Mobile flexible Solar Panels of all sizes, personal power sources, battery / batteries and electricity inverters AC-DC.
  • Technicality issues overcome; Yes Thrill can have your more hands on technical teams stripping wires, connecting plugs, soldering connections or simple Solar plug in systems. 

  • Thrill take action enquiry for team building

Thrill professionally facilitates activities for all scales of corporate and organisations. We align quality solar team activities that helps others with your business cultures as well as corporate branding activations.

Creating natural science solar projects with a sense of real purpose. Igniting the spirit of teamwork to address real life poverty issues in Australia.

As the cost of electricity rises in Australia. Thrill programs allows your corporate team or organisation to help high-light and address energy poverty and light poverty.

Thrill facilitators engage your staff 100%. With durable reliable superior quality solar to light materials for you, our client and the recipient customers. 
Note Thrill philanthropic energy events are not associated with SolarBuddy. Thrill aims to help disadvantaged peoples in Australia.

Please enquire to become a shareholder; Partnering with industry leading boardroom facilitators Thrill Staff Solar #PowerPollinators Pioneers

Purpose-driven opportunities for teamwork, creating charity partnerships that have a local community +ve light for immediate illumination of solutions for Australian energy crisis impacts.

solar-PALS-natural-energy-Buddy for team building and making a positive difference to fight energy poverty

Thrill corporate light energy programs are inspirational, engaging, educational and uniting for staff to share. Creating greater awareness and making that positive difference. Thrill Charity Team Building activities and Conference Events illuminate Energy Poverty with Solar Sun Buddies.

Thrill take action enquiry for team building

We GUARANTEE that Thrill Energy Power PALS exceeds the quality of utility device, of other team building investments.

Interested in becoming a Thrill Energised Events Partner? Please connect.

Solar PALS Energy Crisis Illuminating Natural Energy Source for Excellence in Team Building Events
Enquire here for Free Quote and Offers.


    Solar PALS Team Projects m: 0459 1111 29