Team Building structural engineering solutions for construction industry and engineers

Engineering Team Project Pipelines Improves Teamwork Performance by Thrill Staff Construction Facilitators

Thrill construct exciting and fun teamwork projects, engineered for success to bring the best out in teams and get them working together. Your staff will be working with the best quality kits that build a variety of engineered items from air rockets to solar powered or balloon powered cars. Building structures based on physics principles or working with electric circuits to help solve energy crisis and energy poverty.

During the engineered think tank team building session. Thrill staff training facilitators will guide your team to collaborate their project ideas:

Setting up and introducing pipeline projects in a positive and exciting manner that gets everyone involved and trains teams to communicate and collaborate. Ensuring safety systems and procedural policies are followed…

Explaining team learning principles involved in the project and session planning. Demonstrating how to construct the pipeline project. Then your team gets to implement its strategic ideas, to radicalise ambitious results.

Team Building structural engineering solutions for construction industry and engineers

Listening and talking with individual staff. Encouraging their input, helping and guiding them through light in technical engineering details, with a series of hands on problem solving teamwork projects that are fun for all.

Injecting Energy and enthusiasm to engineers of all disciplines.

CONSTRUCT TEAMBUILD is a construction and building industry activity with a broad range of applications across work sectors. With an ability to enhance the soft skills of all staff in the construction, engineering and surveying industries, teams apply transferrable skills into the project and learn how to apply teamwork practices, actualise visions and see their goals realised before their eyes.

THRILL-gineers and staff training facilitators are available for all business, engineering firms, construction, civil and electronic. Facilitating and running staff training workshops for employees. Thrill team engineer pipeline projects are available everywhere throughout Australia.

Employing excellent presenters from a wide variety of hands on the tools backgrounds. We provide a range of experiences with different groups of staff in educational training settings.

Your business has the security and knowledge that Thrill-gineers sessions are purpose built to your organisational and team culture requirements. With engineering team building problem solving challenge activities that are tried and tested.

Speak with us at Thrill HQ m 0459 1111 29 to design your next construct your next Thrill staff teambuild.